Tuesday, October 25, 2016


....first off...I will admit that I am not the most political person you will ever meet. However, I will admit that I am truly proud to be an American. As we come close to election of a new president...I felt as though I needed to say a few things, for my sake, to reflect on why I am proud to be an American.

If I were to pick a time period that I wish I lived in, I would pick my grandparents era. You see they dealt with war (just like us), they had hard times/economy (just like us), they had to work (just like us)...basically what was different the way I see it was the people. People cared more about others and less for themselves. In all my studies in college or high school I would always hear that America is an individualistic country. Which at first (and I still do) I thought that, for us being able to be individuals is so empowering. We get to CHOOSE what we want to be, who we want to be, and what we want to do on a daily basis. But as I look at a my "time period" compared to my grandparents...I have realized one thing. Individuals (80% of people--not everyone) are so caught up in their world that we (yes I'm including myself) care more about OUR OWN LIFE and don't even think twice about HOW we got here, WHERE we will or are going, and WHO helped us to get here. 

I had the chance to go to a Broncos  game earlier this year. It was when they played San Francisco 49ners....which meant I got to witness first hand Kaepernick, kneel as the National Anthem was sung as Military Personal and Police forces were standing proudly around him saluting the flag. (thank you to those members of Broncos nation that booed him)--NOW before everyone freaks out... I am happy that they booed him, because I strongly disagree with his CHOICE in disrespecting the Anthem, Flag, Country, and men/women who have allowed him to have a career doing something he loved. Yes, I know he was "protesting"..blah..blah..blah... Here's my thing, in America he gets plenty of press conferences, media time, and have enough money he, could've and should've made a statement differently. Which makes me bring up my next point about the political situation we as a COUNTRY are in. 

Hillary vs Trump: Trump vs Hillary. I do not mean to offended anyone. But I'm just going to be straight up and real with ya'll....half of you that post on social media about the election have zero sense what you are talking about. My biggest thing that upsets me is 90% of the time individuals are arguing over PEOPLE instead of the issues at hand. "Hillary this" "Trump that" "I heard this" "I saw this"....guess what people...90% of what you see in this day an age through social media is pretty far stretched. However, for me actions speak louder than words. Always have.

Remember my grandparents generation--well you see I got taught from them that when you borrow something, you return it better than how you received it. That family is always there, always. That education is important not because it could land you a job, but because learning is never ending. I learned that hard-work (gardening, animals, school work, house chores, etc.) and dedication (with everything) will not only be more REWARDING in the end, but you, yourself will APPRECIATE whatever "it" is a lot more. That in the end helping someone ACHIEVE something, will also BENEFIT you. So as I look at the two candidates that are running to be the FACE of America, I get sick to my stomach. Because when I reflect back on past generations neither Trump or Hillary have actions that reflect what America was founded on.

Think about it. America was founded on men and women who came over from all over for FREEDOM. Freedom from everything. Then we as a country fought ourselves for more freedom, as we also fought and will continue to fight others for our freedom (at least I hope so). It was founded on dreams, families, careers, education and so much more. 
President Lincoln stated 
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

All I have seen Trump and Hillary do is destroy Americans, without us even realizing it. I have never seen a more heated debate and negativity in an election season that I can remember. Americans (I included) I feel, are forgetting how great this country is. All I ever see anymore is the negative things they are doing. Yes, it's always easier to see negativity, but as I have researched on my own I have found less, very less positives for either of them. Which is I why I do not feel comfortable voting for either of them.
Ezra Taft Benson stated
"..if you vote for the lesser of two evils you are still voting for evil and you will be judged for it. You should always vote for the best possible candidate, whether they have a chance of winning or not, and then, even if the worst possible candidate wins, the Lord will bless our country more because more people were willing to stand up for what is right."
With that being said...I pray and hope for Americans to stand up for the FREEDOMS that those before us so rightly fought for.

If you have not read the Deceleration of Independence or the Bill of Rights. I STRONGLY encourage you to. They are beautifully written. Those men weren't just thinking about themselves, but I strongly believe they were thinking of generation for years to come. With today's election I would argue that it is completely opposite. We want a chick to be president or we want a dope business man to be president. People...have you ever wanted something so badly that once you get it, it's not what you thought its all crack up to be. Say you may want this fancy car, but then you didn't realize the payment... etc. I fear that once this election is over, no matter who you vote for, we will be worried for whats to come.  (do I need to mention that the House of Representatives and Congress will be HIGHLY effected by this)

Isn't it sad how something bad has to happen in certain cases for people to come together? I pray oh how I pray that instead of being a country who is focused now more than ever on being a individualist country (having our opinions matter more than the matters at hand), will be able to come together for what is RIGHT. That we will hold doors open for people, that we will respect our elders, mind our manners, get off our technology, and find the beauty in this great Country that those before us fought so hard for. Just as my sis and I thought that this flower shaped flag was too adorable we had to stop for a couple pics. I am proud to be an American, even if I feel like this country is going to explode. haha

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